= English

Tips and curiosities of Venice

Venice is one of the most desirable cities to visit, from those who would like to go for two, to a romantic trip or for friends who want to have fun and get to know the Italian city.

With its famous crossings of boats by several gondolas, since the city is formed by 117 small islands, being one of the only forms of locomotion, or to go of foot crossing of bridges. One of the curiosities is that there are no cars or bicycles, nothing on wheels, where tourists and locals drink at will without worrying about driving afterwards.

Another interesting curiosity of the city is the appreciation for cats in the city, by its history between 1300 and 1500, of which there was great outbreak of bubonic plague, brought by rats in the ships of the port, and to get rid of the plague ordered a ship full of cats to annihilate the transmission of the disease, which worked and made the cats become a symbol of the place and good luck.

Finally we bring a tip for who goes to the city, being a city of the arts, biennials, museums and galleries can be appreciated. In addition to the special concerts in theaters and churches, it is not necessary to spend much and the dress rewards tourists, being allowed shorts and sneakers.

Photo: Press Release