31 São Paulo municipalities are classified as of tourist interest

The Legislative Assembly approved the bill that classifies 31 cities as Municipalities of Tourist Interest (MITs). The proposal is authored by the 94 state deputies. MITs receive annual resources from the state government of São Paulo to be used for investments in tourism infrastructure. The use of funds should encourage the expansion and strengthening of economic activities in the region.
The 31 cities in São Paulo that should receive the title are: Altinópolis, Araras, Araraquara, Areias, Cabreúva, Campina do Monte Alegre, Cardoso, Cruzeiro, Itapuí, Itupeva, Jaú, Lençóis Paulista, Limeira, Lins, Mairiporã, Mira Estrela, Mogi das Cruzes, Nazaré Paulista, Novo Horizonte, Rancharia, Registro, Riolândia, Rosana, Santa Branca, Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, Santo Expedito, São Simão, Tabatinga, Tambaú, Uchôa, Votuporanga.
To be considered of Tourist Interest, the city should have tourist attractions, emergency medical service, lodging, food, tourist information and drinking water supply and sewage. The classification guarantees to each city the receipt of about 650 thousand reais per year. The proposal is that in addition to the 70 offices already existing in the state, declare another 140 municipalities as of tourist interest.
Twenty of them had already been classified in the first semester: Agudos, Barretos, Brodowski, Buritama, Espírito Santo do Pinhal, Guararema, Iacanga, Jundiaí, Martinópolis, Monte Alto, Piedade, Rifaina, Rubineia, Sabino, Sales, Santa Isabel, Santo Antonio da Alegria, Tapiraí and Tatuí.

Photo: Reproduction
Source: Tourism Journal