Foz do Iguaçu um two favorite tourist destinations two cariocas

Foz do Iguaçu was planted as one of the main tourist destinations in the 8th edição da “Marcas Cariocas”. A category foi included in this year a research carried out with four thousand Cariocas. All of them are 40 categories, with different types of products and services, and also brands that are not wanted, not Rio de Janeiro, so they will respect the environment as well as the consumer.
Or projeto foi performed in two stages. In the first phase, 2,053 interviewees cited brands spontaneously. As dez more lembradas seguiram for the second phase.
From 2,351 interviews, each participant was introduced to five categories, in random order. You interviewed avaliaram as brands that conheciam, mesmo só de ouvir falar. E depois apontaram which is more associated with each of five dimensions: Qualidade, price, respect, identity and evolution.
Fernando de Noronha (PE), Gramado (RS) and São Paulo (SP), appeared before Foz do Iguaçu na preference two interviewees. Or Rio de Janeiro and third largest tourist emissary for Terra das Cataratas. Até or moment, to cidade recebeu 51,819 cariocas. São Paulo, Paraná são first and second, respectively.
No general set, a sample of respondents respects the distribution of gender and quality of the whole population of the Metropolitan Region of Rio, based on the IBGE data. A research was carried out by Troiano-Branding.
“O result da pesquisa and quite significant not that diz respects the possibilidade of expansion of demand of cariocas for o Destino e comprova mais uma time that o marketing and promotion work is being developed in an efficient way”, avalia or president of the Municipal Conselho de Tourism (Comtur), Felipe Gonzalez.

Photo: Reprodução