
Acordo will promote ecological tourism not country

O federal government will expand the visit of the national parks of the country. Ministérios do Meio Ambiente (MMA) e do Turismo, or ICMBio e a Embratur assinaram um agreement of cooperation to develop or ecological tourism in units of conservação (UCs) federais. As it will be integrated into the promotion of socio-cultural diversity and the protection of biodiversity in these areas.
A sensibilização e a proteção dos ecossistemas estão entre as priorities of initiative. Or Minister of the Environment, Sarney Filho, pointed out that tourism is the main reason for the management of the country’s conservation units. “This is an important instrument for environmental valorisation,” Sarney Filho affirmed. “Every visitor who went to a national park as a um protetor da natureza”, exemplificou.
Muitas das ações já estão em andamento. Or president of the Chico Mendes Institute of Conservation of Biodiversity (ICMBio), Ricardo Soavinski, explained that he or she is working at fronts as a reestruturação of units of conservação e a capacitação de gestores. “We are working on using the parks in the most possible way so that we can have the opportunity to visit and be sensitive to conservation,” he affirmed.
A visit to UCs vem crescendo e chegou to 8,29 milhões ao longo de 2016. According to the Minister of Tourism, Marx Beltrão, the expectation is that the number will increase as a result of cooperation. “We are having the opportunity to give or initial pontapé for a strategy that will move the economy”, declarou. Beltrão accentuates that pasta will be disseminated by UCs and will work with the focus of tourism operators. Or agreed as a competitive study of the World Economic Forum, or Brazil, or a country that fears more attractive nature, not the world. Or relatório avalia mais de 130 nações.
PARCERIA – A cooperação vai atuar na gestão of areas of public use of UCs federais em parceria com o setor privado e o terceiro setor. Or objective and promote sustainable development through ecological tourism units and we repel. A ecotourism program will guarantee social inclusion with participation of communities located in areas of influence. Além disso, incentivará to estruturação of tourist products nas regiões attended.
As agreement, or country, it will be necessary to consolidate conservation units such as recreation areas, ecotourism, and nature conservation. At the initiative, it will encourage the economy of the world through two national research destinations for research or increase of two UCS investments. To guide you, a Plan de Ação will be built with Comitê Gestor hair that will accompany or agree to cooperate.

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