Região Nordeste


During the month of July, Ceará received 1,693 tourists from Argentina. The number is 154% higher than that recorded in the same period of 2016. Considering the period from January to July, growth was 12.1%, jumping from 4,183 in 2016 to 4,689 in 2017. In that period of July, the weekly flight Buenos Aires / Fortaleza (GOL) has reinforced two more weekly frequencies to supply the demand.

“The direct flight was essential for the attraction of this market to Ceará and placed Argentina among the five largest international emitters to the state. Before him, Argentina did not appear among the top ten markets, “says the Secretary of Tourism of Ceará, Arialdo Pinho. He points out that, in the current ranking, the Argentine market only loses to Portugal, Italy and France. However, this month of July, he led the ranking of international issuing markets for Ceará via Pinto Martins.

According to a survey carried out by the Tourism Secretariat of Ceará (Setur), the per capita spending of these tourists is R $ 4,271 and the average stay is 7 days. The profile of tourists is 40% of couples without children, 27% of couples with children and 17.5% of family groups. For 35%, the destination Ceará exceeded expectations and for 52.5% the destination fully met expectations. The majority (70%) have the upper and / or postgraduate courses (60%).

On average, R $ 1,150 of the expenses of the Argentineans are with purchases, moving the productive chain of the tourism. Of the total number of visitors, 57% stayed in Fortaleza. The others went to other locations such as Porto das Dunas, Cumbuco, Canoa Quebrada and Jericoacoara.


Photo: Reproduction

Source: Market & Events