= English

Are you going to do an exchange? See these tips and have no problems

The exchange is a unique opportunity to have an enriching and unforgettable experience. More than a simple tourist trip, it offers the chance of development, of the chosen language and also professional and personal, where you leave your comfort zone and live in another culture.

But this cultural issue can disrupt adaptation. So you have to take some care and pay attention to how the natives behave. In this text, the Trust Cultural Exchange and Tourism offers some tips for you not to pass or to have to use any embromation:

1 – Where do I go?

Obviously the first decision to be made is fate. The research phase is essential not to end up in a place that has nothing to do with you. Explore the culture of the place, customs and even things like weather, which can affect your income and make the trip a torture.

It is also important to keep in mind your goal to set travel time. Depending on the chosen destination, there are courses from one month to one year, and you can take up to one school year at a local school, for example. The level of language and cultural learning varies greatly.

2 – Planning is your friend

You do not have to do a spreadsheet or an extremely detailed plan, but it is very beneficial for you to check subway routes, bus lines, taxis. Understand how your home works and how far your home is away from where you’re going to study. Many countries have a very good transportation service and this will make your life easier.

Another important planning is the financial one. If you only study, pay attention to how much you need to take to make ends meet and also to take advantage of the days off. You will be in another currency, with other costs to eat, live, walk, so watch out before spending everything in the first month and arrange to pay debts when you return.

3 – Studying has never been so much fun!

In addition to providing a cultural immersion, the exchange is fun and gives you a totally unlimited view of knowledge. A course such as High School, which puts you in a semester or school year in a regular college, is a chance for the student to engage in both public and private schools. At the end of the course, you are recognized, receiving a certificate with the frequency and use of the student, used for validation of the study in Brazil.

So even if you are already in another phase (work or a specialization) try to study. It is a unique learning opportunity, as well as a way to get involved in the culture and meet people.

4 – Traveling! And now?

Before putting your foot in foreign territory, keep in mind the following phrase: do not do what you would not do in your country. A basic – and even ancient – teaching that can get you out of many stolen things. Do not think that because you are far from everything, you can do whatever you want. Things do not work at all, because in many places the law is much more rigid. Take care not to get in the way and carry a bad experience on your luggage back home.