= English

Companhia aéreo vai expand operação inter no Nordeste

Or Northeast é a “bola da vez” for or Grupo Latam no Brasil. Nesta terça-feira (5), or aerial conglomerate, revealed the intention to operate its own international airports, as well as other South American destinations in North America, from Fortaleza, Salvador and Recife. A definição, porém, ainda lacks aprovação authorities.

A capital do Ceará will be a cidade com o maior number of investments, going on to count as a new year for Orlando and an increase in operations for Miami, both in the United States.

O lançamento do voo Salvador-Miami and Salvador-Buenos Aires operação transformação, at present temporary, in regular as well as present plans. A companhia ainda planja expand as operações nas rotas Recife-Miami and Recife-Buenos Aires.

“O Nordeste Brasiliro occupies a strategic position in the expansion of the global air network, a very important part of being just a simple connection point with foreign partners,” exaltou or CEO of Latam Airlines Brazil, Jerome Cadier. Second ele, os possíveis lançamentos represented barely or início of negociações for other future investments of the group.

Photo: Reprodução
Fonte: Panrotas