A “slight reação” da economia foi um two determinant factors for or increase of 4.3% non-faturamento medium companies of tourism setter not terceiro quarter of year, na compação com o mesmo period de 2016. A expansão da presita, assim As a prospect of realization of new investments, no period of time to development, it was verified that we had researched segments of the Ministério do Turismo.
More expressive increases ocorreram segments of tourist parks and atrações (11.4%), air transport (11.2%), tourism operators (10.3%) and viagens agências (9.3%). Results that the companies attribute to the sazonality of the previous investments. On a lesser scale, with a percentage of 2%, the majoração de receita also among event organizers, lodging companies and receptive tourism companies.
“You have shown the vigor of tourism that, in the last few years, Brazil has lived in recent years, I have managed to register positive numbers”, comentou or Minister of Tourism, Marx Beltrão. For or last quarter of the year (out / dez), prospects are otimist. Of all the companies surveyed, 66% expressed their intention to invest part of the hurry up in 2017. The highest percentage, 15.2%, was planned by the receptive tourism segment, followed by two events organizers (8.1%), of lodging (5.2%) and air transport (4.7%).
Na Pesquisa, carried out by Fundação Getúlio Vargas, companies that are limiting factors to a crescimento two businesses, all of which operate financially at the economic and political moment of the unfavorable country. O Boletim de Desempenho Econômico do Turismo was produced with information from 716 companies that employ 79,319 thousand pessoas and faturaram R $ 9,2 bilhões no quarter.
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