Federal Police said that after receiving the budget credit of R $ 102.3 million on Friday (21), the service for issuing passports, suspended since June 27, will be normalized “as soon as possible”.
According to a statement released by the agency’s advisor (read the full article at the end of this report), the 175,000 damped passport applications will have priority since the service was interrupted. According to the note, these requests will be met in chronological order.
“From this transfer [of resources], the process of making the passbooks will be restarted, under the responsibility of the Mint”, informed the PF.
The PF advises that, under normal conditions, the deadline for delivery of the document after the request is made is six days. But as the 175,000 applications made during the suspension period of the service will be prioritized, there is no way to determine a deadline for the delivery of the passports that will be requested from next week.
On average, the PF makes 8 thousand visits per day of people who request the issuance of a passport.
Since the end of last month, only the online schedules and the service stations have worked, without the delivery of the document. The delivery of the new passports was paralyzed pending the normalization of the budgetary situation.
Release of funds
On this Friday, the “Official Gazette of the Union” published the release of the R $ 102.3 million that the PF pointed out as necessary for the passports to be re-made.
According to the Ministry of Planning, the money was passed on to the Ministry of Justice, to which the Federal Police is subordinate. The Justice, in turn, reported that the amount has already been transferred to the FP.
Last Wednesday (19), President Michel Temer sanctioned the bill approved by Congress that frees the resources for the PF.
The supplementary credit for the FP is the result of a change in the Union Budget. The money was withdrawn from a contribution that Brazil would make to the United Nations.
PF note
Read in full the note issued by the Federal Police:
Brasília / DF – On the passport service, the Federal Police informs that the credit and the budget limit for the activities of migratory control and issuance of travel documents were made available this afternoon (July 21).
From this transfer, the process of making the passbooks will be restarted, under the responsibility of the Casa da Moeda.
During the suspension period, approximately 175,000 applications were dammed, which will be processed in the chronological order of requests.
The Federal Police will work in partnership with the Mint to have the passport issuance normalized as soon as possible.
Source: G1
Photos: Reproduction