= English

Project to modernize Manchester airport involves £ 1 billion

Manchester airport in England will receive a £ 1 billion renovation program, according to Breaking Travel News. The plan will be to give a boost to UK growth prospects and international competitiveness.

This is the largest private investment in the region and reinforces the position of the airport as the UK’s global hub in the north of England, allowing for more and better international connections and supporting local economic growth.

With the full project, the airport could grow in conjunction with the economy of the northern region of England and receive 45 million passengers a year in the future – an increase of nearly 20 million over the current number of visitors.

“Aviation is essential for our prosperity in the future now that we are leaving the European Union. Our new air strategy will be beyond the new Heathrow lane and will establish a comprehensive long-term plan for the industry in the UK, “said Transport Secretary of State Chris Grayling.

The estimate is that more than 1,500 jobs are created only in the construction phase, of which almost 200 will be apprentices. The airport generates £ 5bn each year in local and regional economic activity, employs 20,000 people and supports another 25,000 jobs indirectly.


Photo: Reproduction

Source: Panrotas