= English

Startup helps Brazilians who had delayed flights, canceled or lost luggage

Flights are postponed or canceled at all times in major airports in Brazil, but few passengers know that from 1 hour late it is possible to claim assistance from airlines. Those who go after their rights, however, face big bureaucracy and lack of interest from airlines to solve the problem. With that in mind, in June, NoVoei, a startup that sought compensation for damage to passengers who had been delayed or canceled, lost luggage or overbooking for the past three years, was reported.
It works like this: Passengers report their case on the site, via online chat or phone. The damage repair specialist then collects details of the occurrence and validates whether or not he is liable for damages. If so, it gathers the necessary documentation to seek a friendly solution from the airline. If no agreement is possible, the case is transferred to the network of legal services providers of the company for the adoption of the appropriate judicial measures. Generally, each case takes three to four months to resolve and the amount of damages, on average, is between R $ 2 thousand and R $ 8 thousand as moral damages, in addition to compensation for any material damages that the passenger has Arcade (food, lodging, transportation, etc).
According to the latest data released by Anac in March, 8% of flights delay at least 30 minutes. “Those who use air transport a lot know that delays are common, but many stop running after their rights or are not prepared to solve the problem on their own. Our goal is to streamline service, promoting direct contact with qualified professionals. Ultimately, we are also contributing to the improvement of the provision of services by airlines, “says Alexandre Monteiro, founding partner of the company.
The startup only charges if there is any damage repair – in this case, it is charged at a rate of 30% of the amount actually received by the passenger. The idea came from the experience of one of the partners, who had professional losses when his flight from Curitiba to São Paulo was delayed for five hours. “He lost meetings and other commitments that could bring in new clients,” reports Monteiro. In its first month, expects revenues of R $ 30 thousand and, by the end of 2017, the goal is to reach R $ 300 thousand, totaling R $ 1 million in indemnities.

Photos: Reproduction