= English

Tourism encerra 2017 com a delivery of 993 works in all or Brazil

A little less than a year or more, or the Ministry of Tourism accounts for the delivery of 993 tourism infrastructure projects in all Brazilian regions. The works included in the report are R $ 506.3 milhões feito pela Pasta, além of R $ 68 milhões de contrapartida two states and municípios. São projetos of tourist sinalização and works that melhoram os acessos years atrativos as pavimentação, pontes, rodovias and urbanização of borders and balneários, entre outros.
Na list of projects completed ao longo of this year est ainda praças of events, pavilhões de feiras e exposições that stimulate domestic tourism, bem as touristic ends e Centers of Support to Tourist (CAT). Among the outstanding works is that to contemplate the pavement of the acesso route to tourist destinations (189) – not total value of R $ 98.7 milhões -, to tourist information (23) with repasses of R $ 10,1 milhões ea construction, renovation and purchase of equipment for convention centers in all or country (15) – no value of R $ 70.9 milhões.
It is worth highlighting that the centers of convenções são fundamentais to stimulate or business tourism in all or country. “Essas obras são fundamentais for regional development, by tourism, as a geração de emprego e renda para a população. A melhoria of tourism infrastructure also means more quality of tourism experience and, consequently, greater attraction of visitors to destinations, stimulating or arising from new ventures such as lodging, alimentação e lazer, turning to local economy, “said Minister of Tourism, Marx Beltrão.
The works are carried out, preferably, by municipalities that are not Map of Tourism of Brazil. A program of regionalization of Brazilian tourism is a transparência instrument reconhected hair Court of Contas da União (TCU) to melhor a aplicação of public resources in destinations that adotaram or tourism as a strategy of investment and alternative of economic return.
The resources come from the orchestra of Pasta and the parliamentary eminences submitted to MTur. In 2017, or Centro de Convenções de João Pessoa foi a work delivers greater value. Two R $ 80.4 milhões invested in works completed in 2017 in Paraíba, R $ 50 milhões foram for support equipment or event tourism capital. Next is the first phase of the Centro de Convenções de Manaus, which received R $ 14.7 million, out of a total of R $ 15.7 million invested by the State of Amazonas for works delivered this year.

Photo: Reprodução