= English

World number of cruise passengers reaches 27.2 million

The segment of cruises this season in Brazil has grown. But the 15% increase is still far from previous years. If in 2016/2017 were 371 thousand cruzeiristas the estimate for that year is 439 thousand, less than half of that recorded in previous years. According to Marco Ferraz, president of Cla Abremar, the volume of cruises in the world reached the mark of 27.2 million against the 25.8 million recorded last season. The new feature of this season is the cruises of MSC, Costra and other companies in the new maritime terminal of Balneário Camboriú, in Santa Catarina. But despite the achievements, the segment sees new challenges for the coming year in search of greater competitiveness for the country.
“We work hard not only to keep the ships that are already here, but also to attract new stakeholders. We know that one of the operators that operate in the country will bring the largest ship we have ever received in national waters, but we really want to expand our offer and we are working towards this, “explained Clia Brasil president Marco Ferraz. According to Clia Brasil , the main discussion to be addressed in 2018 is the reduction of costs of operating the cruises in the country to the international average levels. “The tax burden is still high and we have studies that a few actions to reduce the tax burden are compensated by the increase of ships in our coast and, consequently, income generation in the destinations of stops of these cruises,” he added.
According to Marco Ferraz, the segment contributed R $ 1.6 billion to the Brazilian economy in the 2016/2017 season. But the current scenario is still far short of major competitors – China, Australia, the Arab Emirates, South Asia, the Caribbean and Europe – who have strong investment in infrastructure, new destinations and industry-friendly regulation.
FOR THE WORLD – The growth of the cruise industry is a worldwide trend. According to Clia, this year, based on the launch schedule for new ships, the forecast is 25.8 million passengers. Last year the sector surpassed passenger projection, reaching 24.7 million travelers, when 24.2 million were foreseen. Among the best-selling destinations are: Caribbean (35%), Mediterranean (18.3%), Europe (11.1%), Asia (9.2%), Australia, New Zealand and Pacific (6.1%), Alaska of the South (2.5%).

Photo: Bahiatursa Archive
Source: Market & Events