

Dubai’s world-famous island complex The World will host one of the most ambitious projects in the largest city in the United Arab Emirates. The Floating Venice project, announced today, promises to build a luxury floating resort that will bring the whole experience of the Italian destination to the Middle East.

The facility will have a capacity of 3,000 visitors daily, with 414 accommodations, 12 restaurants and bars, as well as several entertainment options, all divided into four sectors, one underwater. In this area, visitors can check in at the reception, the Plazza San Marco, before going to the rooms, which will have views of the nearly 40,000 square meters of coral planted around the resort. The industry will still feature an underwater spa and two other underwater leisure alternatives.

On the surface, gondolas imported from the Italian city itself will take guests to the four corners of the place through artificial canals. Those who choose to dispense the boats can also stroll through the floating resort through the small sidewalks and bridges that cross it, as well as having beaches and artificial pools that surround the development.

Responsible for The Floating Venice, Kleindienst will reapply the dynamics of The Floating Seahorse, a $ 3 million condominium and houseboat built on the very coast of Dubai. According to the company’s chairman, Josef Kleindienst, the goal is to change the real estate and lodging scene to provide an iconic experience.

“Our vision is aligned with Dubai’s ambition to become a global leader as a destination and as a venue for innovation. The Floating Venice is the synthesis of this innovation and spirit, being the first luxury resort on an underwater vessel in the world,” said Kleindienst .

To represent the even better Italian city in Dubai, the project provides for traditional events such as the Carnival and the Venice Biennale, as well as the Feast of the Redeemer. Works for the construction of the Floating Venice begin as early as 2018, while completion and opening is expected by the end of 2020.

Check out some more of the new venture in the video below:


Photo and video: Reproduction

Source: Panrotas