
The National Secretary for Tourism Qualification and Promotion, Teté Bezerra, presented in Fatima, Portugal, numbers that show a movement of 4.4 billion dollars from 20 million trips a year in Brazil, motivated by faith, in travel and expenses. A study carried out by the Ministry of Tourism registers more than 300 national religious tourism destinations. A common feature of all these destinations and their attractions is the ability to move the tourist chain such as lodging, food and crafts. The faith-driven tourism also leads the visitor to know other attractions, benefiting the environment of the main destination.
“We are the country with the largest number of Catholics in the world. But the characteristic that most marks Brazil in this theme is religious tolerance, “said the secretary, presenting a map of Brazil with the diversity of destinations and religious practices that attract Brazilian and worldwide visitors. Teté Bezerra also stressed that respect for diversity favors the sustainability of Brazilian religious tourism, insofar as it contributes to the maintenance and even strengthening of the mosaic of cultures that make up Brazil. She cited the example of religious syncretism, where Catholic and African rituals mingle in various events and attractions visited by crowds, such as the washing of Bonfim in Salvador.
The secretary reaffirmed Brazil’s effort to expand, structure and integrate the Jesuit Missions Road with Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia. Among the attractions on the Brazilian side is the Sanctuary of Caaró – place of martyrdom of three Catholic saints: the Paraguayan Roque Gonzales and the Spaniards Afonso Rodrigues and João de Castilhos, as well as the Ruins of São Miguel das Missões, UNESCO Cultural Heritage. The script was part of the audience of the minister of Tourism, Marx Beltrão, with Pope Francisco, in October. He asked that the Roman Opera, the Vatican’s travel operator, the world’s largest in the religious segment, expand the itinerary that already includes Foz do Iguaçu as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
During the presentation, which had UNWTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai as moderator, Teté Bezerra cited other examples such as the Círio de Nazaré in Belém (PA). The largest religious festival in Brazil brings together 2 million faithful in a single day and was recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Heritage of Humanity. In the interior of Ceará, the pilgrimages to Juazeiro do Norte and Canindé move millions of visitors in the Northeast, as well as New Jerusalem (PE) where the Passion of Christ is staged in the largest outdoor theater in the world. The sanctuaries of Aparecida (SP), Divino Pai Eterno (GO) and the Temple of Solomon (SP), are also on the map of the religious attractions presented by the secretary. The diversity of religions goes through Buddhist temples, such as Zu Lai (SP) and Spiritist centers, such as Dom Inácio, from Abadiânia (GO).

Photo: Reproduction
Source: Market & Events