
The Brazilians chose to travel around the country in the first half of the year. Foz do Iguaçu is one of the most popular destinations for vacations and business in Brazil. The movement of domestic tourists grew exactly 21.9% from January to July compared to the same period last year.

According to the Iguaçu National Park (PNI), where the Iguaçu Falls are located, 547,545 Brazilian visitors were in the main attraction of Foz do Iguaçu from January to July this year, against 463,197 of other nationalities. The number represents 54% of the total number of tourists who passed through the conservation unit.

The secretary of Tourism, Industry, Commerce and Strategic Projects, Gilmar Piolla, reminds that, with the economic crisis, domestic tourism has gained momentum and the favorable exchange rate also influences the results.

“Foz do Iguaçu is a complete destination, which has been renewed to receive more and better visitors. Both in leisure tourism, shopping, events and eco-adventure options. We are champions in hospitality and also unbeatable in the cost-benefit ratio of our hotel and the quality of our attractions, “says Piolla.

Positive july

Only last month 212,178 people entered the National Park, of which 114,161 were Brazilian. In the comparison of July of this year with the same month of 2016, there was a growth of 29% in the movement of Brazilians in the PNI.

The offer of extra flights, with direct connections from the northeast (Natal, Recife, Salvador, Maceió and Fortaleza), besides the amplification of the frequencies with São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Campinas and Curitiba, during the vacations of July, was fundamental to reach This mark.

“The offer of extra seats by the airlines is a reflection of the demand for the destination. The direct flights from the capitals of the Northeast and the expansion of frequencies in the main airports contributed to the families staying for more days in the city, taking advantage of all the hotel structure of quality and the most diverse attractions that are offered in the Destination Iguaçu “, commemorates Piolla.

According to him, the expectation is to receive 1.8 million people in the Iguassu Falls by the end of the year, surpassing the historical mark of 1,642,093 visitors registered in 2015.


Photo: Reproduction