
Travel to Vienna continues to be successful: in the first half of 2017, the city reached a new record, reaching 6,924,000 overnight stays – a growth of 4.2%, “says Norbert Kettner, director of Tourism in Vienna. Germany, with 1,420,000 overnight stays (+ 3% more than in the same period of 2016), followed by Austria (1,360,000, -1%). , The United States (396,000, + 8%), Great Britain (305,000, + 3%) and Italy (294,000, -7%). , Russia (211,000, + 34%), France (204,000, + 18%), China (175,000, + 45%) and Spain (174,000, -2%). Australia (67,000 overnight stays, + 19%), India (64,000, + 15%) and Brazil (63,000, + 21%).

Vienna currently has 64,000 hotel beds. In the period from January to June 2017, the average occupancy of the city’s quarters was 69% and over 80% of the overnight stays recorded were foreigners. By the year 2020, Vienna wants to reach the mark of 18 million overnight stays a year. For this, the city also bets on the MICE sector, which accounted for 12% of the total overnight stay in the city in 2016. Last year, more than 4,000 congresses, corporate events and incentives were organized in Vienna – a new record. In Mercer’s latest survey of the quality of life in large cities, Vienna ranked first for the eighth consecutive time.

Photos: Divulgação