67% of Aracaju’s accommodations are irregular

Operation Summer Legal in Aracaju (SE) ended on Wednesday (21) with 100% of the irregular accommodation visited and notified by the Ministry of Tourism. In all, 48 of the 70 lodging facilities located in the capital were surveyed, of which 47 were notified because they were irregular. The capital was the seventh to be visited by the action of the MTur that, until April, will be held in all the capitals of the country.

The enterprises visited will have a period of up to 30 days to be regularized. If they do not, the provider will be assessed and may be penalized with a fine that can reach R $ 854 thousand. In Sergipe, 34 lodging facilities are registered, 22 in the capital Aracaju.

“The main objective of this action is to stimulate the formalization of the sector because we will be able to size the size of the tourist industry here in Aracaju. In addition to being a legal obligation, the cadastre allows the entrepreneur to have access to qualification programs from the Ministry of Tourism as well as to credit lines with public banks, “explains MTur enforcement coordinator Larissa Peixoto.

Started in September 2017, the work has already had an effect on Cadastur numbers. In December of last year, 64,591 registrations were identified, an increase of 14% over the same period of the previous year. The next capital to receive the visit of the team of inspectors will be Teresina (PI), on February 22 and 23.

In addition to formalization of lodging facilities, registration is also mandatory for six other categories – tourism agency, theme park, tourist camp, event organizer, tourist guide and tourist carrier.

Source: Ministry of Tourism
Photo: Kaissa Alves / Flickr