= English

Airline invests in healthy and diversified menu

Gol has invested in healthy snacks for the passengers. On all domestic flights, the airline distributes free Mother Earth Snacks, 100% organic.


On board, there are three snack options, made exclusively for Gol customers. The Tribos salty line, in the Tomato and Basil flavor, brings whole ingredients, multigrain, flaxseed, sesame, herbs and seasonings, with reduced sodium percentage.


For those who want a sweetie, the Mini Integral Cookies are the ideal choice. Light and nutritious, they contain chestnut from Pará, cashew nuts, licuri and baru, from different parts of Brazil.


Lastly, Sabotage is intended especially for children. The first organic, integral and free children’s option offered by a Brazilian airline, the salgadinho is roasted, made with integral and organic ingredients and has no artificial colors. Besides being healthy, you taste green corn.


Apart from free snacks, domestic flights (except airfare) also have an on-board sales menu with more than 20 options, including gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan products. All to satisfy all kinds of palate.



In international travel, the on-board service of the company is differentiated and also without cost, with snacks, meals, desserts and drinks diversified, according to the period and duration of the trip. In the Premium Gol Class, passengers will enjoy some unique items such as Heineken wine and beer.



In the air bridge, between Congonhas, in São Paulo, and Santos Dumont, in Rio de Janeiro, the free options are also varied. In the morning, passengers can get fruit salad, croissants, minisanduíches or cake. In the afternoon and in the evening, wraps, croissants, curlers or minisanduíches are served. Water, coffee, juice or soda are complimentary.


On all flights, there are options to please the most diverse customers. “In the research we do it is very clear that food on board is a constantly evolving item, mainly because today people are much more conscious and concerned about healthy eating. Our on-board power options pay dearly for the quality of the free options, which are organic and with fewer chemicals, “explains Gol Mirror’s director of Products and Customer Experience.


Photo: Reproduction

Source: Panrotas