= English

Brazil and China partner in tourism promotion

In order to increase the flow of travel between Brazil and China, the president of the Brazil-China Chamber of Commerce, Fabio Hu, presented a proposal to the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism, Alberto Alves, to increase tourism promotion between the two countries .

Geraldo Gurgel / MTur Representatives of the Brazil-China International Development Chamber of Commerce were welcomed by Alberto Alves (center)

Representatives of the Brazil-China International Development Chamber of Commerce were welcomed by Alberto Alves (center)

Starting in September, a permanent office will be responsible for promoting Brazilian business in the city of Xiamen, one of the most modern in China. The space will open during the BRICS meeting, September 3-5, with the participation of the Brazilian government and representatives of Russia, India, China and South Africa.

“We need to adjust the tourism of Brazil to receive travelers from China offering packages that meet the expectations of this differentiated market,” said Alves. The folder points out that, in 2016, more than 130 million Chinese have traveled the world – and just over 50 thousand have chosen Brazil as their destination.

According to the MTur, Brazil currently has more than 300 Brazilian tourism agencies accredited to receive Chinese tourists. The registration of agencies is mandatory in Brazilian law and also follows the determination of the Chinese government.


Photo: Reproduction

Source: Panrotas