= English

Dollar: Commedo de alta, brasileiro já buys moeda for férias de fim de ano

As the year is approaching, we will see that you are going to be marked to work as a company in the country to buy dollars for a high-end company. No entanto, second Alexandre Monteiro, specialist of site comparator MelhorCâ, a smarter strategy for não sofrer prejudices and accompanying oscillations ao longo do ano.
“In spite of existing a more conservative plot, that buys poucos aos, not Brazil 80% dasso pessoas deixa to buy moeda na week da viagem, and isso implies to possibilidade to find high values”, explains Alexandre. Or specialist affirms, not entanto, that a maior tries nessa era não tem relação com a alta ou baixa do câmbio. “A variation of the dollar and influenced by many external factors, such as political insecurity”.
A comparison of the value of the dollar Tourism of a year gone by in this year, feita pela startup, shows that the cost of travel is similar: it differs from less than 0.1%. “Quem comprou ate or final of last mês não teve great surprises,” says Alexandre. Or average purchase ticket between consumers is US $ 1,500.
To help quem quer comar acompanhar as oscções e tendências do dollar, to MelhorCâ dispõe do “Alerta de Câmbio”, a resource that warns or usuário quando or dollar to reach taxa to be desired. The users consisted of selling more than 660 houses of câmbio present in more than 168 cities around Brazil. Since or since the site, in June 2015, more than 4 milhões of users will use or system to economize operations of the same.

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