= English

Foz do Iguaçu reveals 92% occupation during independence holiday


Survey conducted by the Sindh motels of Foz do Iguaçu and Region (Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Similar) reveals 92% occupancy during the September holiday (07 to 10/09). The projection gains an even greater highlight compared to the last extended holiday of September 7. In 2015, the index was 76%, that is, an increase of 16 percentage points. The survey was not conducted last year because a holiday fell on a Wednesday.

For the president of SindhHotels, businessman Carlos Silva, the evolution in average occupancy is the result of the promotion of the Iguaçu Destination by the Integrated Tourism Management, together with investments of businessmen from the lodging and gastronomy facilities in infrastructure and professional training.

“In addition to various attractions and options for leisure, culture and history, Foz do Iguaçu offers hotels for all standards, with a super competitive daily rate, being attractive also for the diversity and quality of lodging and food services. The visitor has several attractions and international options for leisure, “says Silva.

Research – The survey carried out by SindhHotels indicates, as was expected to be a national holiday, that Brazilians will be the majority in the analyzed period (90% of domestic tourists and 10% of foreigners). In the illustrative classification of hotels, highlight the five stars, which are already 100% occupied.


Photo: Reproduction

Source: Market & Events