= English

More than 10% of the national tourism GDP is generated by Rio de Janeiro

The tourism sector contributed US $ 6.5 billion to the GDP of Rio de Janeiro in 2016. The amount represents 4.9% of the city’s economy and 11.5% of the segment in Brazil. However, less than 6% of tourist spending in the city is from the foreign market, a study by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) revealed. The numbers suggest that hosting the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016 had a limited impact on the city’s tourism GDP.
In 2014, there was a small increase in the number of visitors, however, this trend did not continue. In 2016, as is often the case with mega-events, there has been a significant dispersion to other cities. The study is part of a worldwide series that analyzes the contribution of the tourism sector to the economy of cities and the generation of jobs. The study covers 65 cities in the world, six of them in Latin America.

Photo: Reproduction
Source: Market & Events