= English

Research reveals that tourism potential in Brazil is underutilized

According to the research conducted by the FSB Research Institute, eight out of ten Brazilians believe that the tourism potential of our country is from medium to very high, but 59.8% understand that this potential is not used properly. For the interviewees, the Northeast emerges as the region that most uses its potential (39.6%). Secondly, the North and Central West (32.7%), followed by the Southeast (32.3%) and the South (20.1%).

According to tourism minister, Marx Beltrão, a series of actions have been carried out to invest in the infrastructure of the national destinations, as well as in the qualification of those who are at the forefront of tourism service. “We want to position Brazil among the world’s great destinations,” he added.

Disclosure of attractions

In order to work on the dissemination of Brazilian attractions, a series of advertising campaigns have been carried out. In December 2016, the summer campaign was launched with the slogan: “Summer has come. And wait for you in the Northeast. ”

In May it was time for the Amazon with the campaign “Discover a new Amazon”. The objective was to generate identification by presenting the multiplicity of the region through tourism experiences in the nature, ecotourism and adventure segments, as well as presenting the cultural manifestations and gastronomy of the region.

The launch of the South Region campaign is scheduled for this month and until the end of the year the other regions will be targeted with segmented advertising pieces.


Photo: Reproduction

Source: DailyTourism