
The fourth edition of the “Comendador Marques dos Reis” Journalism Award in Tourism, organized by the Brazilian Association of Tourism Journalists (Abrajet-Pará), with support from the Government of Pará, is open until November 1st. Communication professionals who have produced journalistic content about tourism in Pará, university students of Social Communication and any person who has made an image with the theme of tourism and published in instagram with the upg # meubempará can compete for the prize.
The award aims to recognize and value the work of professionals and amateurs of communication and tourism that have published productions from August 1, 2016 to November 1, 2017 and that are in accordance with the criteria of the regulation.
Three categories
In this edition of 2017, the contest is directed to three categories: professional, # meubempará and university. “The great novelty of this edition is the insertion of the category ‘university’, where students of the Social Communication course can enroll their academic, internship or free publication works,” says Isa Arnour, president of Abrajet-Pará.
In the professional category, directed to journalists and photographers specialized in tourism, five winners will be chosen, who will compete in the following subcategories: “Printed Journalism”, “Journalism Online”, “Radiojournalism”, “Telejournalism” and “Photojournalism”. The first placed in each subcategory will receive the amount of R $ 7 thousand each.
In the “# MeuBemPará” category, general competition, that is, aimed at professionals in the area of ​​tourism, as well as Internet users of any area of ​​activity, regardless of training, if only it acts in the dissemination of tourism in the state of Pará in the media five pictures will be awarded, where each winner will receive R $ 1 thousand. In the category “university” can compete the students of the course of Journalism that can register their materials following the same subcategories of the professional.
The 4th Prize for Journalism in Tourism is sponsored by the Brazilian Association of Tourism Journalists of the State of Pará (Abrajet / Pará), with the support of the Secretary of State for Tourism (Setur), the State Department of Communication of Pará (Secom) , Abrajet / Nacional and the Journalists’ Union of Pará (Sinjor / PA).
Service: IV Tourism Journalism Prize Commendador Marques dos Reis
Registration of materials: Until November 1, 2017.
Award: November 15, 2017, during the Publicom Belém – Communication Meeting of Pará.
Information: (91) 98152-2882

Photo: Reproduction
Source: Tourism Journal