= English

President Temer affirms that Brazil is overcoming the economic crisis

Speaking today at the BRICS meeting, a bloc formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, President Michel Temer stressed that in dialogue with society and the National Congress, the country is overcoming the economic crisis.

“Brazil is overcoming one of the most serious crises in its history, thanks to an ambitious reform agenda that brings growth and jobs back. Faced with our problems, we have chosen the most responsible path we have built in constant dialogue with the National Congress and with society as a whole, “he said.

“Brics is a space that can translate our individual efforts into joint gains. It is an example of how much can be achieved with a pragmatic disposition in the pursuit of tangible results in favor of development, in favor of the well-being of our peoples,” he added.

Temer also stressed the importance of cooperation between the countries that are part of BRIC, an alliance to which Brazil assigns high priority. “We see intra-BRIC cooperation as a valuable tool for multiplying opportunities, not just in the financial arena. We also have fertile ground here to cooperate in the fields of trade, investment, innovation, science and technology.”

Before the meeting, on arriving at the Hotel Grand Elysée Hamburg, the president spoke quickly with the journalists and said that there is no economic crisis in Brazil. “It can raise the data and you will see that we are growing jobs, growing industry, growing agribusiness. There is no economic crisis there. ”

“I am going to attend this BRICS meeting, which is the first one we are going to do, where we will naturally discuss the intra-BRIC question for the development of this alliance of the five countries. And, likewise, participate in this great meeting, which is the G20. Where, certainly, some key themes for the countries members of the group will be debated, among them the environment, “Temer said.

The president is in Hamburg, Germany, to attend the G20 meeting, which brings together the 20 richest countries in the world.