Abracorp has already defined the space of its Corporate Island in the Abav Expo 2017. It will be 280 meters of area dedicated to the main suppliers of products and services aimed at the corporate.
In addition to the space dedicated to exhibitors, the island will have meeting rooms for the pre-scheduled meetings and a part for training, which will include as topics presented by experts in corporate management. Abracorp will also bring in guest managers and buyers from all over Brazil.
“The corporate is a great business vector for tourism, and the island is the space of the fair that in a single place concentrates all the actors of this important chain,” says the president of Abav Nacional, Edmar Bull.
The 45th Abav International Tourism Expo & 48th Braztoa Trade Meeting will be held from September 27th to 29th, from 12h to 20h, at the Expo Center Norte (SP).