
In the new tourist map of the country Bahia went from 117 to 150 municipalities with recognized potential for tourism. The State is configured as the leader of the Northeast and holds almost 20% of the total of 758 tourist cities in the region.

“The expansion of the number of Bahian municipalities on the map is due to the work of raising awareness among managers regarding the importance of the tourism economy and the strategic vision that combines natural and cultural attractions with quality products and services to attract visitors to the State “, Explains the Secretary of Tourism, José Alves. The Secretariat of State Tourism (Setur) was a partner of the Ministry of Tourism in the mobilization of municipalities and during the first semester it held workshops to discuss the parameters of the new mapping.

The territory of Bahia is divided into 13 tourist zones, which now add 150 cities that have had their economic performance evaluated. Of these, 53 were classified in categories A, B and C, which indicate greater concentration of national and international tourist flows in Bahia, such as Salvador, Cairu, Lençóis, Mata de São João, Bom Jesus da Lapa and Juazeiro. The others are among the highlights of regional tourism.


Photo: Reproduction

Source: Market & Events