Spend your visit to SeaWorld Orlando with interactive and educational tours

A visit to SeaWorld Orlando can be even more memorable for visitors taking part in the park’s special tours. In most of these experiences the main attraction is the opportunity to interact with animals and learn about these incredible species in various aspects such as eating habits, communication skills and threats in nature, among others. Below is a list of some of the tours that visitors can not miss:

New in 2017 -Killer Whale Up-Close Tour

The Killer Whale Up-Close Tour offers visitors the opportunity to see SeaWorld Orlando’s orcas very closely. The 45-minute visit includes educational sessions with park trainers, when they will meet the whales and understand their personalities, and engage in interactive activity with one of them.

Dolphin Up-Close Tour
The Dolphins Up-Close Tour is a guided tour that gives visitors the opportunity to interact with dolphins without having to enter the water. All participants have a chance to interact with bottlenose dolphins and learn some of the signs that are used to communicate with these incredible mammals.

Penguins Up-Close Tour

Visitors who are passionate about penguins can get behind the scenes of Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin® and have the rare experience of playing one of them on Penguins Up-Close Tour. During this 45-minute walk, learn how our experts handle these incredible birds.

Sea Lions Up-Close Tour
Sea lions are also stars of a special tour at SeaWorld Orlando, the Sea Lions Up-Close Tour. This approximately 60-minute tour will provide the opportunity to stay close to the stars of our new Sea Lion High show, take an exclusive photo and still feed them. In addition, it is possible to feed dozens of sea lions and seals that live in Pacific Point Preserve.

Photos: Divulgação