Unesco declares new World Heritage Sites in Germany

The Unesco World Heritage Committee has included in its latest list new World Heritage Sites in Germany. Among them, Bauhaus buildings, such as the Federal Bundesschule des Allgemeinen Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes in Bernau, and five arcade houses in Hannes Meyer in Dessau. In addition, the caves Kraków and Eiszeitkunst – located in the Swabian Jura in Baden-Wuerttemberg – are now included in the list. The oldest works of art in the history of mankind – over 50 in all, and mostly ivory – were found in six caves of the Ach Valley. In these archaeological sites, relics of artistic expressions of the Ice Age allow researchers to draw conclusions about the earliest traces of human beings in Europe.

“Today, Germany is already the main cultural destination for Europeans. With our World Heritage campaign in Germany – Cultural and Sustainable Tourism, we have strengthened the tourism development of this Cultural Heritage all over the world,” said the chief executive of DZT “The inclusion of other unique evidence of the cultural history of humanity on the list of World Heritage Sites will give a new impetus to cultural destinations in Germany, which currently has 42 attractions endorsed by Unesco “We are preparing a new campaign to celebrate the Bauhaus’s 100th anniversary, which will take place in 2019.”

For those who wish to discover these archaeological sites of the Ice Age, different historical museums in Baden-Wuerttemberg bring together a large collection. The Prehistoric Museum of Blaubeurentem, for example, is focused on the Paleolithic period of the region and houses, among other original finds, the Venus of Millendorf and three glacial flutes of ivory. In the cutural space the visitors can admire not only the objects, but also, test tools of the Stone Age. Other artifacts from the era of hunter-gatherer men are on permanent display in the Stone Age collection at the Wuerttemberg State Museum in Stuttgart.

Concerning the Bauhaus, the Federal School of Bernau, north of Berlin, has several monuments and is open to the public throughout the year, with visits to the interior of the building where details of the building are presented in information boards. In Dessau it is possible to participate in daily guided tours to the arcade house of Hannes Meyer.

Photos: Jochen Keute / DZT