Conheça algumas das paisagens mais bonita de Norway

There are interesting destinations that can not be captured in a simple photograph. For example, many visitors recommend that Norwegian fiories need more advanced resources to be able to transmit to their dimension – seja em tamanho ou exuberância. By conta disso, or site of Fjord Norway has just made available images in 360 ° da região, which integrates the list of Unesco World Heritage.

Ainda that half or half resource, confira to follow some of the most beautiful paisagens of Norway.

Logo abaixo do monte Aksla, at the city of Ålesund é diferente das demais. Após um incêndio that destroyed about 95% of suas construcções, in just three years the foi reconstructed. Part da nova arquitetura da cidade and inspired no Art Noveau style – or that guarantor entertainer for além do fiorde.

São oito quilômetros de estrada em aio natureza selvagem e dated curves. Considered one of the world’s leading musicians, Atlantic Road is located between the towns of Kristiansund and Molde, linking small coastal communities.

Ao longo de sua extensão, there are setes pontes. At higher levels, Storseisundet Bridge, impresses with a different structure than any other, with a sinuous curve that traces an artistic conception to construction.

Considered by muitos or place more silent country, or fiorde of Geiranger é apontado as or favorite fiorde da rainha da Norway, Sônia Haraldsen. It is also included in the list of the World Heritage of Humanity of Unesco, or local and nearby of Montanhas, Cachoeiras and Charmosa Vilinha.

Também conhecida as “estrada dos Trolls”, situa-se not fiorde of Geiranger. The chama a atenção hair terrain ingrime onde is located and pelas 11 curves accentuated seu trajeto, which fazem um desenho na montanha that can be admired high.

Dating from 1936, it attracted tourists not only because of its format, but also because of its natural appearance, which is almost untouched.

Photos: Reprodução
Fonte: Market & Events