Infraero airports expects more than 2 million passengers to pass through the holiday season

The move at airports operated by Infraero in this holiday on October 12 is expected to exceed 2 million passengers. Between 10 and 16 October, the expectation is a 3% increase in this volume, due to the holiday of Our Lady Aparecida, between shipments and landings in the 59 airports of the network.
The days of greatest flow should be Thursday (12/10), with more than 296 thousand shipments and arrivals, Friday (13/10), with 310.7 thousand passengers and the Monday post-holiday (16 / 10), 347.2 thousand travelers. There are 61.3 thousand more passengers than the 1.9 million registered in the same period of 2016.
To ensure fluency in operations during the holiday, Infraero informs in a note that it will adopt a series of initiatives throughout the network, such as the intensification of the work of the security and operations teams, including those on duty, by means of reassignment of the scales as well as the performance of preventive maintenance in equipment – luggage belts, elevators and escalators, among others.

Photo: Reproduction
Source: Market & Events